Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Hand You're Dealt........

Last year around my birthday, I was at Airport Mall in Morrisville. I wandered into their bookstore, which had THE WORSE selection ever…but stumbled upon what ended up being my birthday gift to myself. Tarot cards…..it included the cards & instructional book.

Now, some of you might have preconceived notions in regards to tarot cards. I know a few of my friends did….and that’s fine.

But for the sake of clarity let me just say I don’t worship any devil. Don’t believe in witch craft. I don’t think the cards can predict the future. What’s interesting about tarot cards is they can offer you insight.

My ability to read peoples tarot cards I think is heightened by my ability to read people overall.

I’ve read almost all of my closest friends and immediate family…..at least the one’s close to me.
Some more than others.
And all have taken something from the reading.

It’s important to know that tarot cards aren’t predicting anything.
They offer insight, a perspective.
And its interesting to see what the cards say about you….
Makes you think about yourself or situation with a different mindset….

Now the cards themselves tell a story.

You have the 22 major cards and each represent a major phase in life.

Then the 56 minor cards which are separated into four suits.

- Wands :: fire :: intuition
- Cups :: water :: feeling
- Pentacles :: earth :: sensation
- Swords :: air :: thinking

There are 14 cards within each suit.

It’s really interesting to see which suits you end up with & there placement during a spread.

Now there are 100’s and thousands of spreads. Each spread addresses an issue or has a theme.

I usually do a two spread reading if it's my first time with a client.

It’s definitely something I’ll continue to grow in. I’ve had good experience with it. Just another aspect of me…..

If your interested in a reading, get in contact with me! : ))

1 comment:

  1. you were suppose to read my cards before i left from nc...and you shouldve brought them on the cruise..we couldve had alot of drunken fun with those :)
